Completed Books

Work has been completed on the following books under the Textbook Companion Project.
The list below is not the books as named but only are the solved example for eSim.
NoTitle of the BookContributor NameUniversity / InstituteYear of Completion
1Linear Integrated Circuits by D. Roy Choudhury, New Age International, New Delhi, 2009Sufiyan SiddiqueA.I Kalsekar Technical Campus, Mumbai University2016
2A Textbook Of Electrical Technology In Si Units Volume 1 by B.l. Theraja, S. Chand, Uttarakhand, 2005Esha PalDharmsinh Desai University2016
3Digital Fundamentals by Thomas L.floyd, Pearson Education,delhi-110092, 2002Huzaifa KapasiDharmsinh Desai University2014
4Fundamentals Of Digital Logic by Stephen Brown, Mcgraw Hill Companies , India, 2007Huzefa HalolwalaDharmsinh Desai University,Nadiad-387001,Gujarat2014
5Spice For Circuits And Electronics Using Pspice by Muhammad H. Rashid, Prentice Hall, 1995Swetha KannanMadras Institute of Technology2014
6Digital Principles And Applications by Donald P Leach | Albert Paul Malvino | Goutam Saha, Tata Mcgraw Hill Education Private Limited,delhi, 2009Zala Keertan NarendrabhaiDharmsinh Desai University2014
7Electronic Circuits, Analysis And Design by Donald A Neamen, Tata Mcgraw-hill, New Delhi, 2007Shivansh DaveCharotar University of Science and Technology2014
8Microelectronic Circuits : Theory And Applications by Adel S. Sedra, Kenneth C. Smith, Oxford University Press, 2009Ambikeshwar SrivastavaIIT Bombay2013
9Electronic Devices And Circuit Theory 10 Edition by Louis Nashelsky, Robert L. Boylestad, Pearson, 2009Ambikeshwar SrivastavaIIT Bombay2013